American Made Safe and Security Container Manufacturer’s Warranty:
American Made, Safe and Security declare our GSA security containers are free from manufactures’ defective material, and, workmanship, for a length of 12 months after the date of shipment. AMSS will repair, or at its discretion, interchange the parts of the container with no cost to the customer within a rational amount of time, after the report of the deficiency has been made. This warranty only pertains to the original purchaser of the new container and will be cancelled if the product is repaired, impaired, or interfered with in any manner that is not authorized by AMSS, or our approval, by a certified, GSA Inspector/Technician. Care and use of this material is subject to the appropriate information, contain in the product’s Federal Specification. Please also review the individual warranties as noted by the manufacturer of the Approved, Federally Specified, Lock Vendors, which are in addition to and possibly separate, from the above, unit’s, warranty.
No other warranties apply, whether expressed, or, implied.